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Role of National Skill Development Corporation & Maharashtra Centre for Entrepreneurship Development for Entrepreneurship Skill Enhancement
In General Discussion
Kashish Trivedi
Aug 13, 2023
National skill development corporation(NSDC) aims to promote skill development by catalyzing creation of large quality and for profit vocational institutions. Further, the organization provides funding to build scalable and profitable vocational training intitatives. In India, the chief objective of the skill India mission is to provide market-relevant skills training to more than 40 crore young people in our country by the year 2023. The mission intends to create opportunities and space for the development of taken in Indian youth( NSDC) is not-for-profit public limited company incorporated on July 31 2008,under section 25 of the companies Act,1956(corresponding to section 8 of the companies Act 2013). NSDC was set up ministry of finance as public private partnership (ppp) model. The government of India through ministry of skill development and entrepreneurship (MSDE) holds 49% of the share captial of NSDC, while private sector has the balance 51% of the share captial. It's mandate to enable support system which focus on quality assurance, information systems and train the trainer academics either directly or through partnerships.NDSC acts as a catalyst in skill development by providing funding to enterprises,companies and organisations that provide skill training. It also develops appropriate models to enchance, support and coordination private sector intitatives. The differentiated focus on 37 sectors. Under NSDC's purview and it's understanding of their viability will make every sector attractive to private investment. MCED( Maharashtra centre for entrepreneurship development. Shri. Deependra singh kushwah, IAS(development commissioner industries) and chairman-govering council of MCED, Shri Rajendra Nimbalkar,IAS managing director MSSIDC and chairman-Executive committee of MCED, Shri B.T Yeshwante Executive director, MCED. MCED is a training institute for common people, who always dream to become an entrepreneur,to add value to their lifestyle. MCED from the year 1998, created as many successful entrepreneurs in the society, the entrepreneurs were proved such as asset to the society that they not only developed themselves and their family but also they touched too many life's in the society by helping other to fulfil their dream either by providing them employment or by selflessly motivating them to become entrepreneurs like them. MCED not only provides the quality entrepreneurship training but also provides the hand- holding support to all the trainess unless and until their dreams become reality. Now MCED has moved very drastically with the scenario, MCED along with the online quality training. MCED currently working on industry 4.0 which came in 2019 and MCED is striving to set it's mark on industry 4.0. To improve the skill enchancement or training typically uses a combination of cognitive and behaviour problem solving approaches, both of which are used to strengthen a person's positive skill development.
What are CGST, SGST, IGST and GST rate slabs? How GST is better than eatlier tax system? How GST affect the economic growth?
In Questions & Answers
Kashish Trivedi
Aug 17, 2022
•CGST stands for central goods and services tax. CGST is that tax that is charged on the interstate (existing or occuring within a state) supply of goods and services by central government. CGST is referred as the central tax impose on transactions of goods and services which take places within the state. •CGST is calculated- APPLICABLE GST RATE/2, 18/2= 9% •SGST stands for state goods and services tax. SGST is one of the components of GST impose and is collected by the respective State government on interstate supply same as the CGST. SGST is one of the categories of goods and services tax(GST) which is impose by individuals states in India. SGST is calculated same as the CGST •SGST- APPLICABLE GST RATE/2, 28/2= 14% •IGST Integrated goods and services tax would mean the tax imposed under IGST act on the supply of any goods and services in the course of interstate trade or commerce. IGST shall be also supply to import of goods and services into India. IGST is charged when movement of goods and services from one state to another. For eg- if goods are moved from Tamil Nadu to Kerala IGST is there in such goods. •IGST is calculated- if rate is 18% (suppose), sell of goods or services is RS 1000 then price will be Rs 1000+18% of 1000=RS1180 •GST has council over 1300 goods and 500 services under four slabs that are 5%,12%,18%,28% under GST. Gold has 3% tax and rough stones or semi precious stones that stone's taxes has 0.25% under GST. Before the GST, the VAT system was followed by India. GST not only brought and great revolution in the Indian economy and society but also in government revenue. GST practically removed the main problems of previous tax system which was passing effect. GST is the value added tax that is collected at every level in the supply chain process. GST is mentioned in every product which we use in daily lives. Due to the GST the custom duty eg- lifesaving drugs/equipment, fertilizers, food grains ets this have been reduced the export goods. The production unit saves the money by producing goods or while Shipping. Eg- In online Shopping we buy the product, the main price of that product and the shipping price. This two things have attracted many production systems to gain the profit in businesses. This have increased the export quantity. After the GST implementation the export goods and services will becomes more competitive and that may affect the attracted taxes of goods and services. In research paper of NATIONAL COUNCIL OF APPLIED ECONOMICS RESEARCH it is said that the GST will be the great revolution of Indian economy and it will increase the GDP from 1% to 3% in future. Thank you!
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Why Indian Rupee falling in international market? How is it going to impact our economy & suggest measures to improve value of rupee
In General Discussion
Kashish Trivedi
Aug 16, 2022
During pandemic we have lost many jobs,money,share market crush not only in domestic market but also in international market as well and that have affected the economy. As rupees is falling day by day and international market's rupee is falling due to the rise in i)CRUDE OIL. WTI( west taxes intermediate) is 90.57(-0.21%), Brent crude oil is 96.57(-0.20%), murban crude oil is 96.37(+1.96%), and natural gas is 7.675( +1.13%). ii) FOREIGN INVESTORS- Foreign investment invest to the domestic companies and that benefits go to the another part of the country by the Foreign investors. Crude oil also continues to be risen the levels (it imports more than 80%) and foreign investors has pulled out many money's in the year 2009-2021. Yes, definitely it will affect economy because the loss of jobs there will be loss any how. A weaker rupee will make these imports more in risen amount, which will affect on domestic products and gross domestic on a whole. There will be no employment in the country,no education and somehow it will affect the economy because in Economy market 'PROFIT IS THE MAIN THING'. PROFIT Due to that the biggest impact of rupee is Inflation (increase in prices fall in purchasing the value of money).To improve the fiscal and monetary authority we must interact with the people's for knowledgment about the fields. Today's world have digital media,trade and finances, migration and worldwide communication (interaction), competitions, today's generation must have more innovative solutions eg- i)through digital media or technologies there are many ways to improve the economy and make success.ii) To improve the international economy or domestic market their should be co-ordination amongst peoples. Who are managing the systems, about funds, accounts, who much to be invest and how much funds or shares are invested, how much profits we did today etc. These many solutions and measures I will suggest to improve the economy. Thank you!
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Kashish Trivedi

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K J Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce (Autonomous) & accredited by NAAC_A (3.04)


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