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Cyber Security Awareness

Writer's picture: Punit GogriPunit Gogri

Have you ever received a call from an unknown number pretending to be a bank executive asking for OTP or have you ever received a WhatsApp message with a link to participate in a lucky draw to win the latest iPhone 14 Pro Max?

We live in a technology-driven era, and every piece of information is now fed to computers which can be hacked. To date, there are many digital attack cases in India and globally, pushing for more security measures.

Earlier criminals had knives and guns in their hands but now they have a keyboard and a mouse in their hands. Earlier they wore black masks now they use VPNs. There are many examples of cybercrime, including fraud, malware viruses, cyberstalking and others.

There are 2 major types of hacking

Computer or network hacking is a type of attack done on a system. On the other hand, social engineering is an attack done on an individual. It involves manipulating an individual and gaining unauthorised access to confidential data. Now-a-days computers and websites are becoming more and more secure, but the people accessing these systems are still ignorant. Hence, instead of targeting the website or a computer directly, the hackers target ignorant people to get access to those systems.

A few examples of cyber-attacks are as follows:-

1. Phishing crimes involve obtaining the users' personal information by sending spam emails or using phishing websites which resemble the authorised websites.

Remedy – Not to click on any unknown links or signup to any unknown websites with personal details. is a website which provides disposal emails which can be used to sign up for any website. This will keep your email private.

2. Banking fraud involves getting information about credit or debit cards or bank details to access the bank account and easily detect money for his/her account.

Remedy – Thanks to RBI we now have tokenization which helps to protect your card details from getting leaked by creating a token of our card details.

Also, in the case of OTPs, you must read the whole message before giving the OTP. The OTP might be for your OLA cab or amazon delivery or it might be for any kind of banking transaction.

Do you know?

On any debit or credit cards, there is a black strip at the back of the cards which is swiped at the POS machine to make the payment. And nowadays there are golden coloured chips at the front of the card which are inserted in the machine and kept there until the transaction is complete. Well, both keep information about the bank details, the chip is more secure than the magnetic strip as the magnetic strip can be copied by the machine and the hacker can put the same information in some other card and use it.

3. Malware is software which is designed to penetrate systems to get control over the computer and access meaningful information.

The simple remedy is not to download any software from an unknown website.

4. Cyberstalking - Following someone's activities or tracking someone digitally.

Remedy - Not to update their status constantly on social media. And post photos of any trip after a few days.

(Case Study – a photo including the hotel name was posted on social media. The stocker got the information and called the individual pretending to be the hotel executive and asked to fill out a form to get a discount offer.)

Conclusion & Remedies

1. Strong password - Your password must include a mixture of words, numbers and symbols, so it becomes difficult for the hacker to crack the password.

E.g. A - @, B - 13, C - ( , etc

You must also change your card PINs regularly. To remember them you can write them down somewhere. You can replace them with alphabets to avoid anybody seeing it.

Use a 10-letter word in which no alphabet is repeated.


P - 1, L - 2, A - 3, Y - 4….

For your convenience, I have already given a huge list of 10-letter words at the end, so please check them out and pick the one for you.

2. Two-factor authentication - So even if u give your password to someone that person cannot log in without the OTP.

3. Continuously update the system and apps

4. Make your children aware of the internet before giving them any internet devices as they are the most ignorant, immature and easily exposed to cyberbullying.

5. Maintain privacy settings over social media. It is recommended that your account must be private so any unknown person cannot access your photos or stories or any kind of information.

Cyber-crime is spreading its arms day by day the most appropriate way off being safe from becoming the victim of its ill effect is by following security measures there are various ways by which we can protect confidential information from being leaked we should always focus on awareness as ‘ prevention is better than cure, especially when the cure is not available.

Savdhan Rahe, Satark rahe !....

Code letters:-

A - @

B - 13

C - (

D - |)

E - €

F - |=

G - (,-

H - #

I - !

J - }

K - |<

L - |_

M - /\/\

N - /\/

O = 0

P - £

Q - ?

R - ₹

S - &

T - +

U - ()

V - \/

W - \/\/

X - *

Y - '/

Z - ~

List of 10 letter words:-

  1. abductions

  2. abridgment

  3. admixtures

  4. afterglows

  5. aftershock

  6. algorithms

  7. amplitudes

  8. anchorites

  9. angiosperm

  10. angleworms

  11. artichokes

  12. atrophying

  13. authorized

  14. authorizes

  15. autopsying

  16. backfields

  17. background

  18. backslider

  19. bandoliers

  20. bankruptcy

  21. bankrupted

  22. becomingly

  23. benchmarks

  24. bifurcated

  25. bifurcates

  26. binoculars

  27. birthplace

  28. bivouacked

  29. blacksmith

  30. blackthorn

  31. blockading

  32. blockheads

  33. blueprints

  34. blustering

  35. bolstering

  36. boulevards

  37. boundaries

  38. boyfriends

  39. bracketing

  40. breakdowns

  41. brutalized

  42. brutalizes

  43. butchering

  44. byproducts

  45. campground

  46. centigrams

  47. chairwomen

  48. championed

  49. charmingly

  50. chivalrous

  51. chlorinate

  52. clambering

  53. clampdowns

  54. clipboards

  55. clothespin

  56. clustering

  57. columbines

  58. compatible

  59. compatibly

  60. complained

  61. complainer

  62. complaints

  63. completing

  64. complexity

  65. compulsive

  66. configured

  67. configures

  68. confusedly

  69. conjugated

  70. conjugates

  71. consumable

  72. copulating

  73. copyrights

  74. cornflakes

  75. creditably

  76. cremations

  77. crumbliest

  78. crystalize

  79. culminated

  80. culminates

  81. curtseying

  82. customized

  83. cyberpunks

  84. davenports

  85. deathblows

  86. debauching

  87. debonairly

  88. decathlons

  89. decorating

  90. defaulting

  91. defoliants

  92. defrosting

  93. demography

  94. depilatory

  95. desolating

  96. despicably

  97. destroying

  98. dextrously

  99. disbarment

  100. discourage

  101. disgruntle

  102. disharmony

  103. dispatcher

  104. disputable

  105. downstream

  106. dumbwaiter

  107. duplicates

  108. duplicator

  109. earthlings

  110. educations

  111. emulations

  112. epistolary

  113. exactingly

  114. exhausting

  115. exhaustion

  116. exhumation

  117. falterings

  118. farsighted

  119. fetchingly

  120. flamingoes

  121. flavorings

  122. flourished

  123. fluoridate

  124. flustering

  125. flyweights

  126. forgivable

  127. formalized

  128. formalizes

  129. formidable

  130. formidably

  131. formulated

  132. formulates

  133. fornicated

  134. fornicates

  135. franchised

  136. fruitcakes

  137. fulminated

  138. fulminates

  139. fumigators

  140. gelatinous

  141. glamorized

  142. glamorizes

  143. glamourize

  144. godfathers

  145. godparents

  146. goldbricks

  147. graciously

  148. greyhounds

  149. grievously

  150. grouchiest

  151. handsomely

  152. harlequins

  153. harmonized

  154. harmonizes

  155. harvesting

  156. headstrong

  157. holstering

  158. hospitable

  159. hospitably

  160. houseplant

  161. humanizers

  162. humdingers

  163. humpbacked

  164. hydraulics

  165. hydroplane

  166. hyperbolas

  167. hyperbolic

  168. hypnotized

  169. hypnotizes

  170. hypocrites

  171. hypodermic

  172. hysterical

  173. ideographs

  174. impersonal

  175. importance

  176. importuned

  177. importunes

  178. improvable

  179. impudently

  180. incubators

  181. inculpated

  182. inculpates

  183. incurables

  184. inexorably

  185. infamously

  186. inoculated

  187. inoculates

  188. interlocks

  189. introduces

  190. jocularity

  191. journalism

  192. journalist

  193. judgmental

  194. juxtaposed

  195. kohlrabies

  196. labyrinths

  197. lachrymose

  198. lacquering

  199. ladyfinger

  200. languished

  201. lawrencium

  202. lengthways

  203. lifeguards

  204. logarithms

  205. longitudes

  206. lovemaking

  207. lubricants

  208. lubricated

  209. lubricates

  210. lumberjack

  211. lunchtimes

  212. lymphatics

  213. mackintosh

  214. magnitudes

  215. manifestly

  216. manuscript

  217. matchboxes

  218. mayflowers

  219. mendacious

  220. methodical

  221. microwaved

  222. microwaves

  223. mineralogy

  224. miscounted

  225. misfortune

  226. mistakenly

  227. moderating

  228. modulating

  229. monarchies

  230. monarchist

  231. monetarily

  232. motherland

  233. mudslinger

  234. neighborly

  235. nightclubs

  236. nightmares

  237. normalized

  238. normalizes

  239. noticeably

  240. obdurately

  241. obfuscated

  242. ostracized

  243. outflanked

  244. outlandish

  245. outplaying

  246. outwearing

  247. overacting

  248. overlaying

  249. overnights

  250. overpaying

  251. overtaking

  252. overtaxing

  253. pachyderms

  254. padlocking

  255. paintbrush

  256. palindrome

  257. panegyrics

  258. parchments

  259. parqueting

  260. patchworks

  261. pathogenic

  262. patronized

  263. patronizes

  264. patronymic

  265. paunchiest

  266. persuading

  267. philanders

  268. phlegmatic

  269. pitchforks

  270. plastering

  271. platformed

  272. playground

  273. playthings

  274. playwright

  275. pleasuring

  276. pocketfuls

  277. polygamist

  278. polytheism

  279. postmarked

  280. preambling

  281. precaution

  282. preciously

  283. precluding

  284. preclusion

  285. presumably

  286. previously

  287. proclaimed

  288. productive

  289. profitable

  290. profitably

  291. profligacy

  292. profligate

  293. profundity

  294. projecting

  295. promulgate

  296. proscenium

  297. prudential

  298. punishable

  299. purchasing

  300. purgatives

  301. putrefying

  302. quadriceps

  303. randomizes

  304. raunchiest

  305. ravenously

  306. ravishment

  307. redoubling

  308. reductions

  309. refocusing

  310. regulation

  311. relocating

  312. republican

  313. restocking

  314. restudying

  315. resumption

  316. retouching

  317. rhapsodize

  318. rheumatics

  319. roughnecks

  320. roundelays

  321. scampering

  322. scathingly

  323. scheduling

  324. scrambling

  325. shockingly

  326. shoplifted

  327. shoplifter

  328. shrinkable

  329. slathering

  330. slumbering

  331. smoldering

  332. smothering

  333. soundtrack

  334. speculator

  335. spheroidal

  336. splotchier

  337. splotching

  338. squelching

  339. stampeding

  340. stewarding

  341. stockading

  342. stockpiled

  343. stomaching

  344. stupefying

  345. subheading

  346. subjecting

  347. subjection

  348. sublimated

  349. subtrahend

  350. subverting

  351. switchable

  352. symbolized

  353. sympathize

  354. syncopated

  355. tambourine

  356. throwbacks

  357. thumbnails

  358. thumbscrew

  359. timberland

  360. touchingly

  361. tourmaline

  362. trampoline

  363. transfixed

  364. trapezoids

  365. travelings

  366. truckloads

  367. tumbledown

  368. ulcerating

  369. ulceration

  370. ultrasonic

  371. undercoats

  372. underplays

  373. ungodliest

  374. unscramble

  375. unsociable

  376. unsteadily

  377. unworkable

  378. upholstery

  379. vanquished

  380. vibraphone

  381. vouchsafed

  382. vulcanized

  383. vulcanizes

  384. vulgarized

  385. vulgarizes

  386. wainscoted

  387. wanderlust

  388. windbreaks

  389. wingspread

  390. womanizers

  391. womanliest

  392. workplaces

  393. worshipful

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